Friday, May 25, 2018

V.A.-A HAKA FOR GLENN BRANCA released with panpanpanaviandistresscall (Canada) !!!!!!

V.A.-A HAKA FOR GLENN BRANCA, a tribute album to commemorate the passage of the great, late Glenn Branca - Featuring the sounds of -

Wilfried Hanrath, argonauts vs. kajillions, Pendro, Lezet, Yann Pillas, David Nadeau, j̶o̶z̶e̶f̶a̶l̶e̶k̶s̶a̶n̶d̶e̶r̶p̶e̶dr̶o̶-, Airworld, , The Oneiirologist, M.Nomized, Anthony Osborne, Frank Audiffret, Brandsifter, Glenn Sogge, Hari Hardman, Awkward Gigaku, Mean Flow, Ben Presto, Kurt Newman / {AN} EeL,

It's incredible how emotional and intense this tribute is, given the international nature of this compilation. It seems that Branca's music influenced many more people than I thought it did
Cover Art Credit: T. Renner


Lezet's contribution:

"When I heard the news of Glenn Branca's passing, I was literally in tears from watching beautiful HAKAS - It seemed appropriate to commemorate his passing in some fashion, and the tile " A HAKA FOR GLENN BRANCA " sprang to mind. This is intended in a respectful sense, to mark a significant cultural event. No disrespect to Polynesian Culture or Glenn Branca intended, it's just a good tile to signify the power of an artist & an art form. (Neil Retke)

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