Lezet is a one-man experimental music project from Serbia with 226 albums released so far(through labels from USA,Norway, France,China,Belarus,Luxembourg,Mexico,Slovenia,England,Russia,Romania,Spain, Australia,Brazil,Greece,Ukraine,Serbia,Indonesia,Scotland,Germany,Poland,Czech Republic, Macedonia,Canada,Puerto Rico,Finland,Argentina,Netherlands, Bulgaria). Lezet is on: https://www.youtube.com/user/Lezetmusic https://www.facebook.com/Lezetmusic/ www.twitter.com/Lezetmusic www.lezet.tumblr.com
Thursday, October 5, 2023
Lezet -"Tar 2" is out on HAMFUGGI RECORDS (Spain)!!!!!
One more venture of a non-guitarist into exploring the sounds of an acoustic guitar. This time an acoustic guitar with a partially broken (glued) neck proved to be a wonderful inspiration.
Igor Jovanovic: marbles, ruler, comb, slide, acoustic guitar
painting: Asja Jankovic (10)
March- April 2023
En argentina decimos: "tocar la guitarra" cuya traducción en inglés sería "play the guitar". Pero la traducción literal de "tocar" es "touch". Y Lezet hace eso: toca la guitarra, genera sonidos donde no debiera haberlos, mezcla técnicas imposibles de tocar un instrumento... Y damos gracias a ello! Seguir hablando sería (si ya no lo hice) como contar el final de una película... Disfruten (o no) de este disco de Lezet llamado Tar 2.
In Argentina we say: "tocar la guitarra" whose translation in English would be "play the guitar". But the literal translation of "tocar" is "touch". And Lezet does that: he touch the guitar, generates sounds where there shouldn't be any, mixes techniques that are impossible to play an instrument... And we are grateful for that! Continuing to talk would be (if I didn't already) like telling the end of a movie... Enjoy (or not) this Lezet album called Tar 2.
you can also listen to the album in its entirety on Youtube:
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