Saturday, August 15, 2020

V/A - "Doll House" is out on CIAN ORBE (Chile)!

V/A - "Doll House" is out on CIAN ORBE (Chile)!

Compilation inspired in the world of Dolls.
Baroque, Classical, Steampunk, Sound Art, Anime Ost & more genres.

- Wataame Hazuki:
- anon8924
- Humanfobia
- Fall of Lilith
- Alberto's Horror
- Posthuman Tantra
- Saint De L'Abime
- Maid Kyoko
- Mean Flow
- Filmy Ghost
- Salvador Crowley
- Tristan Burfield
- Blix Six
- RozenNatch
- Ghosul
- Lezet
- Yaka-anima
- Tone Tone
- Lord Cernunnos
- Dj Motherfucker
- Deviensquitues:
- {AN} EeL
- Dariusz Jackowski
- PerSay
- The Nomad Brothers
- Kharaxel
- Music-palace
- Elio Melero  

Lezet's contribution:

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